Thursday, July 7, 2011

Create three drop down levels in Sharepoint 2010 top link bar

Create three drop down levels in Sharepoint 2010 top link bar

I needed to customize the top link bar in 3
levels as follows:

You can easily do this in 2 levels through bro
wser. Customizing this for 3 levels as above diagram is tricky. This can be done without the help of Visual studio 2010, by using Sharepoint Designer. My approach is follows.
1. You need to create a custom site map
(XML file and save in 14 ). The xml file I created look like this:

Save this file as ‘sitemap.xml’ in
Layouts. I saved this in ‘C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\14\TEMPLATE\LAYOUTS\TopLinkNavigation’ .
This is the datasource file for the navigati

2. Open the site in sharppoint Design
er and go to V4.master page. You will find the Sharepoint menu section as follows:

Replace the SharePoint:DelegateControl……… /SharePoint:DelegateControl with your own data source. Use following code to define the datasource.

asp:XmlDataSource DataFile="/_layouts/toplinknavigation/SiteMap.xml" ID="TsetXmlDataSource" runat="server" XPath="/*/*" /

This will link the data source you created in layouts directory.

3. After CssClass="s4-tn" add the following data binding

asp:MenuItemBinding Depth="0" DataMember="siteMapNode" NavigateUrlField="url" TextField="title" ToolTipField="description" ValueField="title" />

asp:MenuItemBinding Depth="1" DataMember="siteMapNode" NavigateUrlField="url" TextField="title" ToolTipField="description" ValueField="title" />
asp:MenuItemBinding Depth="2" DataMember="siteMapNode" NavigateUrlField="url" TextField="title" ToolTipField="description" ValueField="title" />

And end with /SharePoint:AspMenu>

4. Finally change the DataSourceID of SharePoint:AspMenu>
To TsetXmlDataSource

Save the changes and test the site in the browser. You may get an exception saying ‘safe control…..etc.etc’. to resolve this go to web.config change Safe=”True” in
SafeControl Assembly= "System.Web, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a" Namespace="System.Web.UI.WebControls" tag.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Actually that worked with me just by going to the master page and adding a new level in the ASP Control 'SharePoint:AspMenu':


    And choosing in the Site Navigation Settings (With Publishing Infrastructure activated) to show subsites:)
